Smart software for client management on the go.

Mobile Application Development

Client Background

A major healthcare provider that designs, provides, and manages healthcare plans for nearly 1 million individuals, families, and employees reached out to Logic Solutions for some help. This provider gives its customers peace of mind and access to a better quality of life by offering hundreds of combinations of hospital and medical surgical programs.

Project Overview

Logic Solutions developed two key mobile applications for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas including training and co-development. The first project involved modernizing the manual process their sales team had for managing customers. The second project was the creation of a mobile for both iOS and Android to better serve their customers.

How Did Logic Solutions Help?

Territory Management System (TMS) – Sales Application

The client’s sales team used to make routine calls to current customers to keep them updated as well as calls to potential new customers to see if they were interested in all of the benefits they have to offer. This past process was very manual and involved the sales representatives printing out a list of customers each day to take on the road with them as they were visiting these customers. The sales team would take notes down with a pen and paper during these meetings and then hand their notes over to another team member to input the data.

Logic saw a way to simplify this process with technology. We created an iOS app for iPads so that the sales team could use it on the go and input information into their iPads while out in the field as opposed to coming back to the office to manually input all of the handwritten meeting notes. This also allowed sales representatives to stop printing out lists of all the customers they would see that day. The sales team simply enters information on their iPads and then Logic’s technology shifts this information to their backend system. Now that information is readily available on their iPads, they can create new customers on the spot in their records if they see any in the field.

This app developed in native Swift streamlined the sales process for our client and has saved them countless hours, leaving them more time to focus on what matters most: their customers.

Training and Co-Development

Logic Solutions is not solely technology focused. We believe in the power of people and that is why we trained three developers from our client’s team and brought them up to speed on what mobile apps can do. These developers were already incredibly talented, knowing .Net and Java and the prerequisites of coding like algorithms. So, when Logic lent a learning hand, we taught them how to do iOS mobile development.

These Blue Cross developers learned how to:

  •       Set Up their Local Dev Environment
  •       Build an app
  •       Compile code
  •       Test the app in a simulator on a computer
  •       Push the app to a device
  •       Best practices for mobile and iOS
  •       Tips and tricks
  •       How to handle features
  •       How to fix any bugs
  •       Where to go for more resources
  •       And how to deploy their app to stores

After Logic Solutions and our client collaborated for over 1.5 years on this app, Logic handed over the sales app to the client team knowing they had the right training and experience to take over the maintenance of this mobile app for their sales team.

An App for Customers

Before working with Logic Solutions, our client didn’t have an app for their members, and that’s why they reached out to us. They needed an app that would work for both iOS and Android, so Logic got to work using hybrid native script where about 70% of the coding is shared and 30% is different to handle the differences between iOS and Android.

The app that Logic created allows our client’s customers to see their specific benefits, copays, insurance, and past visits. They can also see how far they are towards hitting their limits. For example, they can view who in their family on their plan is using what amount. Their ID membership card is also in the app. Co-payments can be made directly on the app and if customers have an open balance, the app will alert them. Plus, there is a provider lookup function that allows customers to search for doctors. Customers also have access to their dashboard on the app and there’s even an onboarding function. The app works on more than just phones too. It can be downloaded onto a tablet and smartwatch!

Logic has been maintaining and updating this versatile app for the past 3 years.


After working with Logic Solutions, our client gained powerful technology in the form of two wonderful apps and team training that allows them to successfully operate these apps.

Logic streamlined manual processes for the sales department which saves numerous hours and gives our client more time to focus on their customers. And created a completely new app for the client’s customers that allows them to see everything going on with their account, gives easy access to ID cards and payments, and above all creates peace of mind for them and builds their trust in our client.

Not only did we create confidence in our client’s customers, but Logic also created confidence among the developers working for our client by training them for a year and a half to increase and expand their knowledge on mobile apps so that they can take control of their company’s technology and handle anything that comes their way.

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Project Overview

Logic Solutions developed two key mobile applications for this client including training and co-development.

The first project involved modernizing the manual process their sales team had for managing customers.

The second project was the creation of a mobile for both iOS and Android to better serve their customers.

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