Stay in the Blue
Mobile Application

Client Background
How Did Logic Solutions Help?
Logic Solutions created a mobile app where users can track their estimated blood alcohol levels (BAC) based on gender, weight and drinks consumed. Users enter their individual weight and gender, and select the drink they’re having, say a beer or a shot of vodka, and monitor their levels. The goal is to stay within the “Blue Zone,” a safe range of consumption of .06 BAC and below. The image of a plastic Solo cup fills with each drink tracked and changes color as the BAC levels rise, from a safe Blue, to a cautious Maize, a wary Orange and then an avoid Red. Reminders to drink water and to check a link to a cab ride gently nudge users toward positive behavior.
Most recently, U-M came back to Logic for updates. These include a new look and feel, upgrading development, a new onboarding feature and the ability to jump right into navigational items. Also, the new version has links to events around town and resources, via an in-browser app. The goal is to launch the refreshed app, with two versions for iOs and Android, in time for the first U-M football game this fall when alcohol sales debut inside the stadium. [Will need to update this per timing.]